
Introducing Elipsport Sports Group Massage Chair

Why choose to buy an ELIP massage chair but not another brand of massage chair? To know the reasons why millions of customers have trusted in choosing ELIP massage chairs, let’s discover the following immediately. The website has many quality massage chair products.

The best price massage chair

As the number 1 brand in Vietnam for many years, the Elipsport Sports Group massage chair is not only appreciated for its quality but also loved by its extremely reasonable price. Elipsport Sports Group massage chairs have many segments with many different prices from popular to high-end, suitable for all customers. The reason ELIP massage chairs have the best price in the market is because there is an assembly factory in Vietnam, reducing the cost of importing monolithic units to help reduce costs.

In addition, with the direct sales policy covering all 63 provinces, it helps customers to buy massage chairs with a good price and dedicated promotion policy from the manufacturer. That is why ELIP massage chairs always have the best price, most chosen by customers.

Choose the most suitable massage chair

Select according to the purpose of use

Normally, customers choose a massage chair according to 2 purposes: relaxation massage or body therapy massage.

Choose by price

Price is also an important factor when deciding to buy massage chairs. Usually, everyone thinks that a massage chair is a luxury product and difficult to reach even if you love it. However, today, with the maximum support from the Elipsport sports group in terms of price and flexible form of sales, almost all of us can own this device. You can refer to some massage chairs according to the price segments below and choose a suitable chair:

This is the popular massage chair segment. Usually these product types will have basic massage functions to help users relax and relieve stress. This is a massage chair suitable for everyone, especially young people, who work in the office with the desire to relax after a long hard working day.

Located in the mid-range massage chair segment, diverse models give you many more choices. In this segment, in addition to the main functions, intelligent and modern functions such as 3D roller system, infrared thermal massage, zero gravity massage, air bag system, are also integrated. .. bring perfect health care for users. Most of the people wishing to use massage chairs choose products in this segment.

These products are in the high-end massage chair segment. In this segment, the massage chair has more advanced features than the two above mentioned segments. The high-end massage chair models are often integrated with many different massage sessions, suitable to the needs of customers such as: acupressure, relaxing massage, easy sleeping massage, foot massage and Japanese, Thai, traditional massage, …. Besides, the appearance of the chair is also invested, taking care of the luxurious and delicate types. If you have the right money and love intensive massage, this is the device that is worth the investment. Buy a smart massage chair: Ghe massage

Choose according to real experience

To choose a massage like that, do not miss out on experiencing the actual product. Because, depending on the body size, fat or thin, tall and low, each chair model will suit each different person. So over 80% of customers who buy a massage chair will change their initial decisions and choose the right product. In addition, the actual customer experience will be consulted by a consultant and instructed to use each product in more detail. This helps you to make an accurate assessment based on your own feelings and choose a massage chair like the best. The chair models are locked by customers right after experiencing the product such as: ELIP Mozart massage chair, ELIP Rhodi, ELIP Waston, ELIP Drawin…

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