The Top 5 Legal Cases of 2022


The legal system is an ever-evolving web of cases, precedents, and rulings that shape the law as we know it. As technology advances and new issues arise, our courts are forced to grapple with questions they have never encountered before. Even the most educated Layers with a Juris doctorate might have difficulty with these questions.

In 2022, five landmark legal cases will answer some of these questions that will set a precedent for years. Here’s what you need to know about the top 5 legal cases of 2022.

Copyright Infringement in the Music Industry

In 2022, the music industry will be at the forefront of a copyright infringement case that could affect the entire industry. The case involves one of the most prominent record labels in the world and an independent artist who claims they were wrongfully denied compensation for their work.

At stake, in this case, is the ability of independent musicians to protect their rights and receive a fair share of profits for their work. The issue of artist compensation has sparked mass debate over time. While technological advancement has allowed distribution to be put back in the hands of the artist, most labels still have influence. This case will set the tone for future copyright laws related to the music industry.

Privacy Laws Related to Facial Recognition Software

The growing use of facial recognition software will be at the heart of a legal case that could have profound implications for privacy laws. The case concerns a technology company accused of illegally collecting and using facial recognition data without the consent of individuals.

The company faces allegations of violating privacy laws and creating a facial recognition database without authorisation. If the company is found guilty, it could set a new precedent for how companies must protect individuals’ data when using facial recognition software.

With facial recognition software becoming more prominent, there are concerns over the privacy of individuals. Countries like China have implemented this technology on a massive scale, and there are concerns that this extensive surveillance might extend worldwide.

DNA Evidence and Privacy Rights

One case that could redefine how DNA evidence is used in criminal investigations will be heard. At issue is whether law enforcement can take and use an individual’s DNA without their consent or a warrant. The case is highly contentious as it would determine how authorities can access and store genetic material, potentially infringing on individuals’ privacy rights.

This will be a significant case, and its outcome could change how DNA evidence is used in criminal investigations. While we should be using any evidence to solve crimes, is it warranted for enforcement to take DNA from anyone who they think is a suspect? Who should determine who has this power, and is it supporting the privacy of citizens?

Net Neutrality

A landmark case will be heard that could determine the future of net neutrality in the United States. At issue is whether internet service providers should be allowed to prioritise certain content and services over others.

Supporters of net neutrality argue that all content should be treated equally, while opponents claim that regulation would stifle innovation and competition in the industry. The outcome of this case will significantly impact the shape of internet access going forward.

Autonomous Vehicle Liability

Another critical case will be heard concerning the liability of autonomous vehicles. The court must decide whether the manufacturer or driver of an autonomous vehicle is responsible in the event of a crash. This was a debated topic when self-driving cars first appeared on the market. While technology is trusted, like anything, there is still a chance for things to go wrong and who is responsible?

This complex legal question has far-reaching implications for the future of self-driving cars and could determine how manufacturers design and market their products going forward.


These five cases are only a few that will shape the law moving forward, but they provide a glimpse into some of the critical issues our courts may face in the coming years. From copyright infringement to net neutrality, these cases will be closely watched and could have far-reaching implications. With so much at stake, the legal world will be waiting with bated breath to see what happens in each of these high-profile cases.

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash
