Convert A String to JavaScript Date Object

Time is an important project in JavaScript when it comes to getting it displayed on the website to make the user view it or on the application for the same purpose. Just like time, JavaScript date projects are also really significant. Nowadays, no website is complete without JavaScript codes. Every programmer and developer who works to create a website needs to excel in JavaScript to use codes and programs. To show a date object, programmers convert a string to a date object in JavaScript. Beginners also try to learn to program date projects.

Converting a string to a date object is sometimes quite difficult, especially when you are new to JavaScript programming. I still recall how I struggle with setting up dates from converting to displaying them in the right format. I tried various tactics, but a few worked really well. Have a look at the ways that work:

  1. Date() constructor

The first and simplest way to convert a string to a date object is to use and call the Date() along with using a string in an argument. For example, const date = new Date(str). When you pass a string, the constructor Date() makes a date object, which is stored in the new date. The getFullYear in the console log shows the year and getDate displays date.

If you use it this way, it works. Passing a string with an unsupported or incorrect format throws an error or you just get an invalid date as an output. This is the only thing you need to avoid, which I learned after getting stuck with invalid output.

  1. Using non-ISO-8601 format

To have a parsing behavior to be consistent on all browsers, the string defined in the Date() constructor in the ISO 8601 format; YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. To convert a string with a non-ISO-8601 along with retaining a constant parsing behavior, you need to obtain date component values individually from a string, which is then passed to Date() as numbers.

You can convert a string to a date object. It shows the date, and if you want to have time in hours, minutes, and seconds, set the str to the date and time. Store it in str.split(), and then calling the variable in the console log displays date as well as time. The same way you get the month, date, and year as well as hour minutes, and seconds.

When I was struggling to get the same result, I tried this, and it works. If you want to convert a string to both date and time, then it is a must-try.

  1. Using date-fns parse()

The parse() is a function that is used from the NPM package’s date-fns to convert many strings in different formats to a date object. You can specify the string format as MM-DD-YYYY hh:m:ss to correctly convert. Similar to the above method, you need to set date and time to parse the str to convert a string to the date. After parsing, when you call the log, you get the hour using the getHour(), date using the getDate().

It is as effective as the above ways. I have tried this method, and to my surprise, it works fine. You need to use it correctly to avoid issue, and get the desired output.


And that’s exactly how to convert a string to a JavaScript date object. All the ideas I shared is tried and tested. My hard work pays off, and now I can easily convert the string to a date object. I decided to share it to help all those looking for an answer. To learn more about Javascript dates, you can read JavaScript Dates on LearnShareIT

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