What is global warming? What are the best ways to reduce it?

Climate change is a huge issue, and you can help reduce it. If you feel that global warming is affecting your life and making you feel powerless, this article will show you some of the many ways we can take action. There are things that we all can do to fight global warming today. 

They’ll inspire you to see a change in your life or make minor changes daily. You can also Learn more about the factors of global warming and its impact on us. 

What is global warming?

“Global warming” describes an observable, human-caused rise in Earth’s average surface temperatures. It’s a long-term trend that can lead to dangerous impacts if we don’t find ways to lessen how much greenhouse gas enters our atmosphere.

What is climate change?

Climate change is an umbrella term that includes several effects on the climate caused by humans and other factors. These include warming, melting polar ice sheets, and rising sea levels. Climate change can lead to many different impacts, depending on the climate and location. The impacts are often long-lasting and vary depending on what happens in individual areas.

What are the leading factors of global warming?

The leading human-caused factors that are directly and indirectly impacting our climate include: 

The burning of fossil fuels: 

Fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when burned.

Deforestation and degradation of forests: 

Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide in their trunks and branches. When trees are cut down, this natural storage capacity is lost to the atmosphere. Deforestation also leads to the loss of trees’ shade. Without shade or grasses on which they feed, tropical ecosystems become deserts that can’t support animal or plant life.

Methane released by livestock and other agricultural practices: 

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Cows, sheep, and other animals can release methane through belching and flatulence. The livestock that we eat also releases methane through the process of digestion. When crops are grown for livestock feed or other use, their decomposition releases even more gasses like methane into the atmosphere. 

Inorganic and organic fertilizer use: 

When manure or inorganic fertilizer are used for agricultural or landscaping purposes, the chemicals in them can cause nitrous oxide to form in the soil. It’s another potent greenhouse gas. The gasses continue to release long after the plants they help grow have been harvested. 

Aerosol emissions from factories, cars, and power plants: 

Manufacturing factories, cars, and power plants produce solid or gas particles (aerosols), which can lead to a buildup in the atmosphere that blocks sunlight. You can also track your emissions using an app like Greenly, Arbigo, etc. From their website, you can also track your carbon footprint and estimate how much you have emitted.

Nitrous oxide released by agriculture: 

Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas. Cows, sheep, and other animals release nitrous oxide through belching and flatulence. The practice of farming also can release nitrous oxide into the atmosphere as soil microbes break down fertilizer.

Best ways to reduce global warming

Use of Renewable sources of energy: 

Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, wind, hydropower, and biofuels use some of the least carbon-intensive energy sources. They don’t emit greenhouse gasses and contribute very little to air pollution.


Reduce your trips by car, van, or truck and use mass transit instead. Use alternative transportation like biking, walking, running, or even skateboarding.

Avoid industrial meat and dairy products: 

Meat and dairy products require many resources. For example, it takes 22 pounds of grain to create just one pound of beef. If your diet includes meat and animal products, check with the restaurant you’re eating at to ensure they use sustainable, humane sources.

Grow your food: 

You can help reduce your carbon footprint by growing food in a garden or a pot outside. Growing herbs on a window sill can be an easy and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint if you live in an apartment and don’t have space for a garden.

Plant trees: 

Trees are worth more alive than dead. They remove carbon dioxide from the air, store it in their trunks and branches, and help reduce global warming by preventing soil erosion. Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to reduce global warming.
