The Top 5 Dog bad breath causes and remedies

There’s nothing more unpleasant than dog breath- except perhaps when your own breath isn’t so great. While we can pop a mint or gum to combat our own less than pleasant smelling breath, our dogs don’t have that option.

Each time your pup comes to give you a lick, you find yourself holding your breath. You love your dog, but their breath is just so… stinky.

Well, the problem is that there’s no single answer to the question of why your dog’s breath smells bad. In fact, there are many reasons why your furry friend’s breath might not be so fresh.

The good news is that, in most cases, there are things you can do to help your pup have better breath.

In this article, we will take a look at the top five reasons why your dog might have bad breath, as well as some possible solutions.


#1 Cause for dog bad breath – Poor Dental Health

Dogs are just as susceptible to cavities and gum disease as humans are. In fact, according to the American Kennel Club, around 80% of dogs develop some form of periodontal disease by the time they are three years old.

This can be caused due to bacteria that builds up on your dog’s teeth causing a layer of biofilm to form. Biofilm is a sticky substance that not only contains bacteria, but also food particles and other debris.

If this biofilm is not removed, it will eventually turn into plaque, which is a hard deposit that can only be removed by a professional cleaning. If plaque is not removed, it will eventually turn into tartar, which is much harder to remove.

If not taken care of, tartar can lead to gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontal disease, which is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss and other health problems.

Amongst all this, comes halitosis or bad breath in dogs.

Now that you know the #1 cause, how do you find out if this is what’s causing your dog’s bad breath?

Checking your dog’s teeth at home

Most of us are guilty of neglecting our own dental health, let alone our dog’s. However, it is important to check your dog’s teeth on a regular basis to ensure that there are no problems.

You should start by lifting your dog’s lip to take a look at their teeth and gums. You should be looking for any signs of redness, swelling, or bleeding. You should also look for any brown or white deposits on the teeth.

If you see any of these signs, it is important to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Your vet will be able to give your dog a professional cleaning and will be able to treat any problems that they find.


Preventing dental problems in dogs

The best way to deal with dental problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

What better solution to bad breath than to never have it in the first place?

The best way to prevent dental problems is to brush your dog’s teeth on a daily basis. This may seem like a daunting task, but it is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it.

There are special dog toothbrushes and toothpastes that you can buy, or you can use a finger brush.

To get your dog used to the idea of having their teeth brushed, start by letting them lick the toothpaste off your finger. Once they are okay with that, you can move on to brushing their teeth.

It is important to be gentle and to go slowly at first. You can increase the intensity of the brushing as your dog gets used to it.

In addition to brushing your dog’s teeth, you should also give them dental chew treats and toys. These are designed to help remove plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth.

#2 Cause for Dog Bad Breath – Diet

What your dog eats can also play a role in their dental health, and therefore, their breath.

If your dog is eating a diet that is high in sugar or carbohydrates, this can lead to an increase in plaque and tartar formation.

In addition, if your dog is not getting enough fibre in their diet, this can also lead to problems with their breath.

fibre is important for keeping your dog’s digestive system healthy and can help to reduce the amount of plaque-forming bacteria in their mouth.

If you are unsure about what you should be feeding your dog, talk to your vet. They will be able to recommend a diet that is right for your dog based on their age, breed and their current dental health.


A dental health-based diet

Did you know that dogs can eat most of the same foods that we do?

That’s right, a lot of the food that is good for our dental health is also good for our dogs.

Some of the best foods for your dog’s dental health are raw meaty bones, green vegetables, and certain fruits and nuts.

Raw meaty bones are great for your dog’s teeth because they help to scrape off plaque and tartar. In addition, the chewing action helps to massage their gums and keep them healthy.

Green vegetables are also good for your dog’s dental health. They contain fibre which helps to reduce plaque-forming bacteria in the mouth. In addition, they also contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for your dog’s overall health.

Certain fruits and nuts also contain compounds that can help to reduce plaque and tartar formation. For example, apples and carrots contain pectin which helps to bind plaque to the teeth so that it can be removed more easily.

Dental Chews

Dental Chews are a great way to help keep your dog’s teeth clean and their breath fresh.

They are designed to be chewed on, which helps to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. In addition, they also contain ingredients that help to reduce bad breath.

Dental chews are a great way to supplement your dog’s brushing routine. They are also a great way to keep your dog’s teeth clean if they are reluctant to have their teeth brushed.

The Best Dental Chew Supplement for your dog – Fresh Breathies

Just like any other doggie product, there’s no dearth of dental chew supplements available in the market. It can be difficult to find the right one for your dog. That’s why we have handpicked the #1 international, bestselling dental chew supplement for your dog – Fresh Breathies.


Fresh Breathies Dental Chews are veterinarian recommended and are designed to clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath from the inside out. Unlike conventional chews, which are just a combination of hide and flavour, Fresh Breathies are made with all-natural ingredients that are beneficial for your dog’s dental health.


One of the active ingredients in Fresh Breathies is chlorophyll, which is a natural compound that helps to reduce bad breath. In addition, it also contains other ingredients such as parsley and spirulina, which help to clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath.

Why we like Fresh Breathies

Having lived with 7 boisterous dogs, big and small, we know that there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to dental care. That’s why we like Fresh Breathies because they aim to fix the root cause of bad breath rather than trying to paste a band aid on the problem.

In addition, we also like that Fresh Breathies are made with all-natural ingredients and do not contain any artificial flavours or harmful ingredients.

Here’s why we like Fresh Breathies.

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Helps improve digestive health

Your dogs’ digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food they eat and extracting nutrients from it. However, the digestive system can sometimes be disrupted due to a number of reasons such as stress, poor diet, and infections. This can lead to a number of digestive problems such as diarrhoea, vomiting, smelly poo and bad breath.

Fresh Breathies contain ingredients such as spirulina and parsley, which help to improve digestive health. In addition, the chlorophyll in Fresh Breathies also helps to bind toxins and heavy metals in the gut, which are then eliminated from the body.

Reduces bad odour in the mouth and in the poo

Bad breath is often caused by poor oral hygiene or a build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth. However, it can also be a symptom of a more serious problem such as gastrointestinal disease.


The ingredients in Fresh Breathies help to reduce bad breath by fighting the bacteria that cause it. In addition, they also help to improve digestive health, which can reduce bad odour in the poo.


Fresh Breathies contain Yucca Schidigera, a plant extract that has been shown to reduce faeces odour.

Reduces inflammation and promotes joint health

While this is not the primary reason why we like Fresh Breathies, we think it’s a great bonus that the ingredients in Fresh Breathies also help to reduce inflammation and promote joint health.


The ingredients in Fresh Breathies help to reduce inflammation by fighting the bacteria that cause it. In addition, they also help to improve joint health by lubricating the joints and reducing friction. One of the ingredients in it is amazing for bone health. If you have a senior dog at home, then this is a great supplement to give them.


Shiny coat and energetic dog

Another tell-tale sign of an aging dog is a dull and lifeless coat. This is often due to a poor diet or a lack of nutrients.


The ingredients in Fresh Breathies help to improve the health of your dog’s coat by providing them with the necessary nutrients. In addition, they also help to make your dog’s coat shiny and lustrous. An improvement in these areas usually leads to a marked improvement in your dog’s energy levels as well.


It’s a home remedy

A lot of pet owners, including us have looked for home remedies to help our dogs with their bad breath.


There are a number of home remedies that you can try, such as brushing your dog’s teeth with baking soda or giving them apple cider vinegar. However, we think that the best home remedy for bad breath is Fresh Breathies. It’s just one chew a day and you’ll start to see and smell the difference.

With results in a month, it’s hands down the best home remedy for bad breath that we’ve tried.

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Fresh Breathies Cost

Fresh Breathies is made by Pup Labs, a US based company. It is available at different price points. A one month supply is priced at $49 per jar. That’s 60 chews. So, if you have a dog that weighs less than 50 pounds, it’s a 60-day supply.

If you buy three jars, the price drops down further to $39 per jar. Buy the 6-month package, and you get each jar for just $29. That’s incredible value. But here’s the kicker.

Fresh Breathies Money Back Guarantee

Fresh Breathies comes with an industry 180-day leading money back guarantee. If you’re not happy with the results, simply return the empty jar and get your money back, no questions asked. That’s 6-months folks.

You have a whopping 6-months to decide if this is the right product for your dog. If it doesn’t work, return it and get your money back.

Even at $49 per jar, we think it’s worth trying out for your dog. It’s a small price to pay for fresh breath and a happy dog.


Fresh breathies – Our thoughts

Overall, we think that Fresh Breathies are a great product for dogs of all ages. They help to reduce bad breath, improve digestive health, and promote joint health. In addition, they also help to make your dog’s coat shiny and lustrous. If you’re looking for a dental chew that does more than just freshen your dog’s breath, then we think Fresh Breathies is a great option.

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#3 Cause for dog bad breath – kidney disease

Kidney disease is one of the leading causes of bad breath in dogs. The kidneys are responsible for filtering and eliminating toxins from the body. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, these toxins build up in the body and are expelled through the lungs, causing bad breath.

There are a number of different treatments for kidney disease, depending on the severity of the condition. If you think your dog may have kidney disease, it is important to take them to the vet for a diagnosis. That’s the first step that you should do.

Dietary modifications for kidney health in dogs

Your vet may recommend a special diet for your dog if they have kidney disease. There are a number of different prescription diets that are available, depending on the severity of the condition.

In general, the goals of dietary modification for dogs with kidney disease are to:

  • Reduce the workload of the kidneys
  • Reduce the amount of toxins in the body
  • Increase the amount of water intake
  • Provide adequate nutrition

But considering the gravity of the situation, we think it is always best to speak with your veterinarian about the best dietary options for your dog.


#4 Cause for dog bad breath – Liver Disease

Liver disease is another common cause of bad breath in dogs. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins out of the blood along with the kidneys. When the liver is not functioning properly, these toxins build up in the body and are expelled through the lungs, causing bad breath.

There are a number of different treatments for liver disease, depending on the severity of the condition. Generally liver disease goes undiagnosed until symptoms are severe because the liver is able to function at a reduced capacity for a long time before showing signs of disease. If you think your dog may have liver disease, watch out for signs like yellowing of the whites of the eyes or the gums, loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, and weakness.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take your dog to the vet for a diagnosis.

Dietary modifications for liver health in dogs

Diets for liver health in pets include a high quality protein diet and supplementation with antioxidants like vitamin E and silymarin (milk thistle extract). But this is a highly individualized therapy and should be discussed with your veterinarian.

We wouldn’t recommend using supplements ad-hoc because they can actually do more harm than good if not used correctly. If you are going to use supplements, please work with your veterinarian to create a plan that is right for your pet.

#5 Cause for dog bad breath – Tumours

Oral tumors are another possible cause of bad breath in dogs. Tumours can develop on the tongue, gums, or anywhere else in the mouth. They can be cancerous or benign, and can vary greatly in size.

Some oral tumors can be treated with surgery, while others may require more aggressive treatment, like radiation or chemotherapy. The bad breath generally stems from the necrosis of the mass, which means the death of cells. This can release toxins and other foul-smelling substances into the mouth, causing bad breath.

If you notice a mass in your dog’s mouth, it is important to have it checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible.


Dog Bad Breath Causes FAQ

Q. My dog has bad breath and I think it’s because he doesn’t brush his teeth. Is there anything I can do to help him?

A. While brushing your dog’s teeth is a good way to help prevent bad breath, it’s not the only thing you can do. You should also feed your dog a high quality diet and give him regular dental checkups and cleanings. Again, we’d like to take this opportunity to recommend Fresh Breathies, an all-natural and bestselling dog breath supplement.


Q. I’ve heard that some dogs have bad breath because they eat garbage. Is this true?

A. While eating garbage can certainly cause bad breath, it’s not the only reason. Dogs can develop bad breath even if they eat something that’s not generally considered dog food. Think of it this way – would you want to eat something that’s been sitting in the garbage can for days? Probably not. The same goes for your dog.

Q. Is there anything I can do to prevent my dog from getting bad breath?

A. Yes! As we mentioned earlier, the best way to prevent bad breath is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. You should closely monitor your dog’s diet and give him regular dental checkups and cleanings. You can also try using a dog breath supplement like Fresh Breathies.


Q. If the bad breath is not caused due to poor oral health, can Fresh Breathies help?

A. Fresh breathies can help in two scenarios. Firstly if the bad breath is caused due to indigestion or poor absorption of nutrients. Secondly, if it is caused due to bacterial overgrowth in the dog’s mouth. Both these require at least 3-months of regular use of the dental chews though.

Q. I think my dog has bad breath because he’s sick. Should I take him to the vet?

A. Yes! If you think your dog has bad breath because he’s sick, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. This is especially true if your dog has any other symptoms, like vomiting, diarrhoea, or weakness. Early detection and treatment of illness is always the best course of action.

Q. Can dog bad breath be treated permanently?

A. Dog bad breath is not a disease, but a manifestation of an underlying health condition. Once the underlying cause is treated, the bad breath will go away. However, some conditions, like kidney disease, are chronic and may require lifelong treatment.


Final thoughts

Bad breath in dogs is often caused by poor oral hygiene. The best way to prevent bad breath is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. You should also closely monitor your dog’s diet and give him regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

But if its due to an underlying health condition, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us in the comments section below.

Happy tails!


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