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What precautions to take after a knee replacement surgery?

Pain, weakness, and loss of function in the joints are some of the most life-altering effects of old age. The wear and tear, and loss of mobility in the joints, especially knees, takes a toll on the quality of life. If the knee joint has been severely weakened and damaged, conservative treatments like medication, exercises, and physiotherapy may not prove to be effective. In cases of severe damage, knee replacement surgery is often required. If you’re considering a surgical knee replacement, it is better that you know the process of the surgery and the phase of recovery. Knowing about the procedure and rehabilitation greatly helps in avoiding complications, and in a safe recovery. The aforementioned are some suggestions and recommendations by certified, experienced orthopedic surgeons which will help you get the most out of your knee replacement surgery and enjoy maximum mobility and movement of the knee joints.

Precautions orthopedic specialists recommend you take after a knee replacement surgery

To ensure you get maximum benefits from your knee replacement surgery and regain healthy knee functioning, you must take proper care and precautions during the first few days at home. Your orthopedic surgeon will let you know what you should expect at home following the surgery. You will be encouraged to walk the next day after the surgery. Do not drink alcohol, drive a car or two-wheeler, or use any machinery for the first 24 hours after the surgery as you may still be under the effect of the anesthesia administered during your surgery and it may last for the first 24 hours of the surgery.

Your orthopedic surgeon will suggest specific instructions depending on your health condition and medical needs. You should follow these basic general instructions and precautions after your surgery-

Your orthopedic surgeon will provide you with specific tips, recommendations, and a personalized post-recovery plan, specially catered for your needs and requirements. Ensure that you take your prescribed medication on time every day and do any exercises recommended by the doctor. You should also realize the importance of physiotherapy after a knee replacement and take it extremely seriously.

Your orthopedic surgeon will work closely with you prior to their joint replacement surgery to ensure they are in the best physical state for the surgery. This will also help you prepare for the surgery which in turn will improve the recovery period. Meet an exceedingly skilled and trusted orthopedic surgeon for your knee replacement.

Physical Activity restrictions after knee replacement

Your joint won’t be able to support your body right after the knee replacement surgery. Trying to put your full body weight on the operated knee may result in dislocation, injury, or damage to the knee. To avoid any such complications, your surgeon and physiotherapist will guide you through the rehabilitation process. As time passes, the replaced joint regains mobility, stability, and strength, and you will be able to resume your normal lifestyle.

Following are some tips and recommendations that will help you complete the rehabilitation phase smoothly.

What can you do after knee replacement?

Exercises to Avoid After Knee Replacement

Exercising helps the recovery process along and is necessary for proper healing of the operated joint. However, some exercises could harm the operated knee rather than help it heal. Such exercises should be steered clear of until you get a green signal from your physiotherapist and orthopedic surgeon. Some of these exercises are listed as follows.

Avoid participating in contact sports or activities that may lead to a sudden injury, twisting, or jerking of the knee, such as hockey, football, basketball, skiing, gymnastics, before, or rugby. Low-impact activities such as walks, cycling, golf, and swimming should be taken up to remain active and moving after knee replacement surgery.  Your orthopedic surgeon will also suggest exercises to do at home to encourage healing. You should eat a healthy diet, remain hydrated and take your medications on time. 

Final Words

If your orthopedic doctor has recommended knee replacement surgery, you will have to get the surgery now or later. Delaying the surgery will not benefit you in any way but may increase complications and can also cause a significant impact on your life. By diligently considering the suggestions of your orthopedic surgeon, and by following their instructions post-surgery, you can ensure a successful surgery and a hassle-free recovery. In case you have any doubts or queries about knee replacement surgery, notify our orthopedic surgeon at the first instance.

, IPS, Wire, English

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