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7 Essential SEO Tips for Beginners to Boost Traffic

When a beginner comes to know about SEO and how vast & vivid is it, sometimes it feels overwhelming and confusing. In the beginning, most web enthusiasts struggle to bring more traffic to their website and drive higher traction from their audience.

As there are several ways & also SEO packages available online to boost traffic in a short turnaround time, it becomes hard to decide which tactics to use and which ones to skip for your website. For solving this problem, we have got you covered.

In this article, we will have a look at the top seven essential SEO tips for beginners to boost their website’s traffic in a hassle-free manner.

1. Choose correct keywords

Before you start writing excellent quality content, it’s important for you to pick the right keywords that your website can rank after you perform all the hard work. If your website is new then the domain authority will be lower. So, it always makes sense to focus on the low-hanging fruits rather than targeting the highly competitive keywords.

Begin with choosing long-tail keywords that have good search volume and low competition in general. Once you rank on these keywords, it will act as a base for you to target the competitive keywords. So, always pick the right keywords with less competition that can benefit you quickly.

2. Optimize the URLs

URL optimization is among the most ignored optimization strategies among beginners that can improve the overall organic traffic significantly. Optimized URL structure is a major part of the on-page SEO and you need to get this thing correct.

For making the URL structure SEO-friendly, you need to remove all the unnecessary characters, special symbols, and dates from the structure. Keep it short, readable, and easy to recognize. For example, if you have an article on ‘how to perform on-page SEO’ then the URL will look something like this — https://www.example.com/on-page-seo.

3. High-quality backlinks

The most powerful way to generate a ton of traffic is to make high-quality backlinks for your website. Never go for backlinks that are low in domain authority or are not relevant to your business. You will find a lot of packages that offer hundreds of backlinks at a few dollars. Those all are low-quality links that will damage your website rather than bringing any benefit.

The best way to get high-quality backlinks is to generate them organically, and this will bring the best results for your domain. Pitch high-authority websites and build quality backlinks for long-term benefits.

4. On-page optimization

The way you format your blog posts and web pages creates a significant difference. You need to ensure that every page has a relevant meta title, meta description, and image alt tags to perform better in organic ranking. Along with this, if you have published the same content on multiple domains, then you also need to take care of the canonical tag to ensure search engines manage the priority correctly.

If you use CMS like WordPress, then you can use plugins like Yoast SEO to insert all these important metadata easily across all the pages.

5. Make the content more readable

Making the content more readable and easy to skim also improves the overall user experience which ultimately boosts your website’s traffic. Optimize the content and the content structure for humans and make it easier for everyone to read the content on the go.

You don’t need to do anything extra — only make sure you follow general formatting rules like keeping the paragraph length among 2-3 lines. Keep the sentence length less than twenty words, avoid adding more than two hundred words under one subheading, and so on.

6. Optimize for speed

Speed is a major ranking factor for Google and other search engines. You need to ensure your website loads faster on both desktop and mobile devices. You can use Google’s free PageSpeed Insights tool to check how fast your website loads. If it’s taking more than three seconds to load then you need to work on your website to improve the speed.

The higher the website speed, the more organic traction your website will gain. Google and other search engines greatly emphasize speed and also give preference to sites that load faster.

7. Perform internal linking

Internal linking is a super SEO tactic that most people overlook but it can do wonders if done correctly. Download a list of all blog posts that you have published so far and prepare a comprehensive internal linking strategy. Once you perform the internal linking correctly, you will notice a considerable boost in traffic without publishing any new content on your website.

These are the best and the most powerful seven tips for beginners that will bring a surge of traffic to their websites. Keep optimizing your website and publishing good content along with these tips to stand apart from the crowd.