How To Take Body Measurements For Weight Loss?

When it comes to exercise and weight loss most of us jump on the scale in order to track our progress. This may be the easiest and most accessible, but the problem with the scale is that it doesn’t tell the truth about your progress.

So another great option to track your progress is taking your measurements because it doesn’t require any fancy equipment and anyone can do it. And it helps to show you where you’re losing fat as mentioned in biofit reviews

Would like to know how to take accurate body measurements? And how it can help track progress, assess body fat changes? Read the following article and find out the following guidelines and tips to take accurate body measurements. Let’s check out.

Things To Know  Before You Take Your Measurements

Here are a few things you have to keep in mind when taking body measurements is :

  • Wear fitted clothing or no clothing at all.
  • While taking all the measurements try to stand with your feet together and body relaxed.
  • Use a flexible, inelastic tape measure.
  • Opt for cloth measuring tape, or else use one specifically made for taking body measurements, such as the MyoTape Body Tape Measure.
  • For perfection, take your measurements at least twice.

How to Take Your Measurements?

When you take your measurements it’s better to take them in the morning before eating or drinking anything except any supplements like carbofix. Also, try your measurements first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything and record your measurements every 4 weeks to see if you’re losing fat. So here’s to measure different body parts:

  • Bust

While doing this measurement make sure to stand with feet together and the torso straight and measure around the chest right at the nipple line. Don’t pull the tape too tight.

  • Calves

Measure halfway between the knee and the ankle.

  • Chest

Before doing this measurement try to sand with feet together and the torso straight and measure just under your bust. Make sure to find the widest part around your bust. 

  • Forearm

Stand up straight with the arm relaxed and measure around the largest part of the arm below the elbow.

  • Hips

Hips are the widest part of your glutes, so try looking in a mirror while standing sideways and place the tape measure around the biggest part of your hips. Always make sure the tape is parallel to the floor.

  • Thighs

Look for the midpoint between the lower part of the glutes and the back of the knee, or the widest part of the thigh while taking the measurement of thighs. Now take the measure around the biggest part of each thigh.

  • Waist

Find your natural waist or the narrowest part of the torso and take the measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist.

Why Your Weight Oscillate?

Check out these factors and find out why the numbers you see on the scale vary.

  • Food weight gain

Weighing yourself after a meal doesn’t mean you’ve gained weight, this is because you’ve added something to your body and will be eliminated through digestion over the next several hours.

  • Muscle gain

Muscle is more heavy than fat and it takes up less space. So gaining muscle may increase your scale weight, even though you’re slimming down.

  • Water weight gain

Our body is about 60% water, and the fluctuations in your hydration levels can change the number on a scale. So when you’re dehydrated or have eaten too much salt, your body may actually retain water, and this can cause scale weight. And the other thing that can make that number change is when women retain water during menstrual cycles.

Different Ways to Track Your Body Fat

Knowing your body fat or the measurement can give you a better idea of how much fat you really need to lose and, even better. So get the most out of your body fat measurement by:

  • You can check it once a week or every other week.
  • Stick with the same person to measure you each time.
  • Try keeping track of your numbers in a journal or calendar.
  • Make sure to measure under the same conditions each time, because hydration, food intake, and skin temperature can affect body fat measurements.

How to Take Women’s Body Measurements?

Use these tips when taking women’s body measurements for improved accuracy.

  • Using a measurement tape that stretches, too, and may cause inaccurate measurements. So make sure to use a cloth measuring tape for a more exact reading.
  • Make sure to hold the tape measure level around the body and roughly parallel to the floor. Also, make sure to take body measurements while standing and against bare skin as opposed to over clothes.
  • After taking a measurement, track progress on a chart every 4 weeks or so.

Monthly measurements are effective for those maintaining their size and weight to keep in check. There are different methods to track your progress and it takes months for many of us to see significant changes, but be patient with yourself.


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